The next step for an expat who has been living in Australia for years is usually to obtain Australian citizenship. Citizenship is a legal status connecting an individual and a state of allegiance. Being an Australian citizen means being eligible to enjoy civil, political, and social benefits in this country which are not available to non-citizens. In this passage, we are going to talk about Australian citizenship applications, including who is qualified to apply, what to prepare, costs, processing time, and other related issues.

a girl holding an Australia citizenship certificate
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Ways to Become an Australian Citizen

According to the Australian government, one can become an Australian citizen through two categories.

Obtain Australian Citizenship by Conferral

Candidates can pursue citizenship after becoming an Australian permanent resident. Applicants must apply, and take the Australian citizenship test (permanent residents over 60 exempted from the test). The whole process takes up to 15 months. Before applying, one must meet the residence requirements listed below and other general Australian citizenship requirements.

  • Have legally lived in the country for 4 years.
  • Have obtained PR for 1 year
  • Not be outside Australia for accumulated 12 months or longer in the past 4 years and accumulated 90 days in the 12 months before applying if you have ever traveled abroad.

Citizenship by marriage is included in this category. Marrying an Australian citizen does not grant you permanent residence or citizenship. Instead, the applicant also needs to meet the general requirements for residence, citizenship test, good character, etc.

Obtain Australian Citizenship by Descent or Adoption

Those who were born to an Australian citizen outside Australia or adopted by an Australian citizen under the Full Hague Adoption Convention/bilateral agreement can obtain Australian citizenship in a faster way. It also applies to children of a previous Australian citizen. In this case, they are exempted from the Australian citizenship test. Applicants aged 18 years old or above should prove good character.

Who Are Qualified to Apply for Australian Citizenship

Based on the two categories, the following individuals are eligible for Australian citizenship application.

  • Permanent residents living in Australia at the time of application and approval.
  • New Zealand citizens with a Special Category (subclass 444) visa (SCV).
  • Children of an Australian citizen born overseas.
  • Children adopted by an Australian citizen born overseas.
  • Children (aged 15 or younger, applying alone) of an Australian permanent resident who is qualified for Australian citizenship but decided not to apply.
  • Children born to a former Australian citizen who has acquired another country’s citizenship and lost his/her citizenship.
  • Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme migrants.
  • Refugees or humanitarian migrants.

Documents for Australian Citizenship Application

Before applying for citizenship, you have to prepare proof of identity, residence, language, and good character. For more details, please continue reading the Australian citizenship requirements.

  • Proof of identity, such as passport, driving license, etc.
  • Proof of Australian permanent residence or a Special Category Visa (SCV).
  • Proof of residence (for Australian citizenship application by conferral)

It includes a valid visa proving that you have been staying in the country for 4 years, and a permanent visa or a Special Category Visa for New Zealand citizens issued 12 months ago. Permanent residents under 16 are exempt from the general residence requirements.

  • Overseas penal clearance certificates or police checks to prove good character (for applicants aged at least 18 years)
  • Birth certificate proving Australian citizenship of parent(s) (for Australian citizenship application by descent)
  • Proof of name change, such as marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other court orders (if applicable)
  • Proof of Australian permanent residency of parent(s), including a copy of a parent’s passport or pages with the permanent visa (for children below 16 applying alone)

Citizenship Processing Time

According to the Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs, the processing time is subject to the completeness of the applications, prompt reaction to the official notice, the time of checking and retrieving information, etc. In most cases, it takes 4-15 months for an Australian citizenship application by conferral and 2-5 months for that by descent.

Australian Citizenship Application Fee

The application fees differ due to the age of the applicant and pathway. Here is the detailed price list. The application fees should be paid online through ImmiAccount.

Application TypeApplication Fee
General eligibilitiesApplicants under 16 applying with parents on the same form0
Applicants under 18 applying alone$330 (approx. AUD 502)
Applicants aged between 18 – 59$540 (approx. AUD 822)
Applicants aged 60 years or over$330 (approx. AUD 502)
Australian citizenship by descent/adoptionSingle applicant, or first sibling applying with siblings$345 (approx. AUD 525)
each subsequent sibling$145 (approx. AUD 221)
ResumptionResumption of Australian citizenship$230 (approx. AUD 350)
RenunciationRenunciation of Australian citizenship$290 (approx. AUD 442)
Evidence of Australian citizenshipEvidence of Australian citizenship$265 (approx. AUD 403)

How to Apply for Australian Citizenship

No matter which pathway you choose, the process goes similarly the same. Let’s see how it works.

Lodge an Australian Citizenship Application

After confirming your eligibility and preparing the supporting documents, you can either apply online or by paper. It is suggested to file electronically on the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) with an ImmiAccount.

Department of Home Affairs

Take a Citizenship Test and Interview

After DOH receives your application, you will receive a letter with the appointment details for the citizenship test and interview which aims to evaluate your proficiency in English language skills and how much you know about Australia and its citizenship. It is mandatory unless:

  • You are below 18 or above 60 at the time of application.
  • Your parent(s) was an Australian and lost his/her Australian citizenship.
  • You were born in Papua before 16 Sept. 1975 and your parent is an Australian citizen and born in Australia.
  • You were born in Australia and haven’t got another country’s citizenship.
  • You have hearing, speaking or visual impairment.
  • You are mentally or physically incapable of taking the test.

Attend Citizenship Ceremony

It is the final step to obtaining Australian citizenship, followed by a citizenship test and the approval of your application. It usually happens within 3 months after the approval. Applicants will take an oath to fulfill the obligations of an Australian citizen, such as taxing, voting, etc. Following the ceremony are usually festivities and celebrations which are also exciting moments for new citizens to get involved with local government representatives and the community.

australia citizenship ceremony

Australian Citizenship Test and Interview

After submitting Australian citizenship application, the authority will send you a letter of appointment informing you of the date, time, and places of the interview and citizenship test. It is usually held at the departmental offices in most Australian capital cities or Services Australia offices. If you want to book another appointment, please check the letter to see whether it is possible.

people attending citizenship test

The interview aims to verify your identity and eligibility to take the citizenship test while the test evaluates your basic English knowledge, understanding of benefits and obligations of Australian citizenship, and your commitment to the country’s values.

What to Do While Attending Interview

  • Attend the appointment on time and bring the required documents, such as a photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, passport or Immicard).
  • Have an interview with the officer and hand in your identity document.
  • Have your photo taken.
  • Sit in the citizenship test with a computer or tablet device which includes 20 multiple-choice questions and 5 essay questions about Australian values. To pass the test, a minimum of 75% of questions should be answered correctly.

Tips to Prepare for the Test

Australian Citizenship Benefits

Becoming an Australian citizen offers you a variety of benefits in travel, education, employment, social security, and so on. Let’s explore more about them.

  • Live in Australia and leave/re-enter the country without limitation.
  • Apply for an Australian passport and travel to some countries without visas.
  • Seek help from an Australian embassy, consulate or other diplomatic representatives outside Australia.
  • Find a job in any field, even in public service departments.
  • Vote in federal, state or local elections.
  • Access public healthcare and social benefits.
  • Enjoy educational benefits, such as lower tuition fees, scholarships, and grants.
  • Sponsor children born overseas to obtain Australian citizenship.

Australia Citizenship VS Permanent Residency

An Australian permanent residency and an Australian citizenship are totally different. Australian permanent residents are allowed to live infinitely in the country and enjoy many similar benefits as the natives, but they are not citizens. Let’s see how they differ.

Obligations and BenefitsAustralia CitizenshipAustralia Permanent Residency
Live and work in AustraliaEnjoy full rights and privileges.Might be restricted to some job opportunities.
Leave and re-enter Australia Travel freely without limitation.Require a valid travel document to prove PR status.
Apply for Australian passportYesNo
Vote in government electionsYesNo (in most cases)
Run for electionYesNo
Apply for Federal government jobsYesNo
Being revoked and deportedNoYes

Does Australia Accept Dual Citizenship?

Yes. Dual citizenship in Australia is acceptable, which means an individual holds two citizenship of two states at the same time, one from Australia. Those who submit an Australian citizenship application can also retain the current citizenship of another country that also allows dual citizenship, such as Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, France, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, etc.

📚 Read Also: Dual Citizenship Advantages and Disadvantages


Q1: Is it easy to get citizenship in Australia?

A: Yes. Australia welcomes people from all over the world. You can obtain Australian citizenship by birth or naturalization.

Q2: Do babies born in Australia automatically get citizenship?

A: No, unless you are born to New Zealand citizens or have lived in Australia through the first 10 years after your birth.

Q3: Can I live in Australia if my son lives there?

A: Yes, if you meet the “balance of family” test and your son is willing to sponsor you.

Q4: What is the age limit for emigrating to Australia?

A: It depends on the visa you apply. For example, the age limit for work visas is usually 50 years old, 66 for parent’s visas and no restriction on partner visas.

Q: Can I obtain citizenship by investment?

A: Investment does not lead to citizenship directly. You can obtain PR through investment and apply to become an Australia citizen after a few years of residence.


If you have been a permanent resident in Australia for years, it’s time to consider applying for Australian citizenship which can be obtained through conferral or descent, and they have different Australian citizenship requirements. It is suggested to study the eligibilities and requirements carefully so as to make everything go smoothly. The whole process includes submitting an application, taking an Australian citizenship test, and attending an oath ceremony. It takes a few months to process your applications. During this period, you are supposed to get ready for the interview and test. Dual citizenship in Australia is permitted, so you can enjoy benefits in both countries.

By Erin Lo

My passion lies in the intersection of technology and storytelling, and I'm thrilled to explore the world of AI and its impact on passport photography. I strive to make complex concepts easy to grasp for readers, sharing the wonders of AI in our everyday lives. Beyond writing, I find inspiration in art, diverse cuisines, and outdoor adventures. Contributing to AiPassportPhotos' innovative approach is an exciting journey, making passport photos and more creative pictures simpler and more efficient through the power of AI.