SASSA receives millions of applications every year. Some of them are rejected due to technical errors, incomplete documentation, or other misunderstandings. The good news is that it allows those who were not selected to submit an appeal to address a negative judgment and fight for a grant. In this passage, we are going to talk about the qualifications for how to file an appeal, how to check appeal status, and other concerning issues.

Understanding SASSA Appeal

SASSA, referring to the South African Social Security Agency, is an official organization that provides various social assistance grants for financially disadvantaged or unemployed persons. However, sometimes the applications for the grants might be rejected. In this case, applicants can file a SASSA appeal to further explain they should obtain assistance and the decision might be changed. There are 3 types of appeals, including:

  • reconsideration: consider the initial decision again.
  • review: assess the supplementary evidence.
  • hearing: hold a formal meeting to collect facts about the appeal.

Who Can Get the R350 Grant

The R350 grant, also known as SASSA SRD, is a temporary aid program aiming to help persons with financial difficulties relieve their financial burdens and cover basic needs for food and shelter. Eligible applicants must satisfy the following requirements.

  • Be a South African citizen or permanent resident.
  • Live in South Africa most of the time.
  • Be aged 18-60 years old.
  • Be unemployed or do not earn more than R624 per month.
  • Be not receiving other SASSA social grants, such as Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) payments.
  • Have a valid ID number, phone number, bank account.

How to Appeal for SASSA

To Appeal a rejected SASSA Application, you need to complete the appeal form, attach required documents and submit them to neabry SASSA office. The SASSA appeal can be filed online through the steps below.

  • Visit the official Website for SASSA Appeals.
  • Log in with your ID number and phone number.
  • Enter a PIN code sent by SMS to verify your identity.
  • Select the month that you want to appeal. The appeal could be submitted once a month.
  • Tell the reasons for appealing such as wrong information, incomplete application, technical errors, and so on.
  • Upload documents to prove that you are qualified for the grants.
  • Submit the appeal and wait for the decision. Check appeal status and respond to it promptly.

How Long Does SASSA Appeal for R350 Take?

SASSA will organize an independent group to review the appeals case by case according to the time they are submitted. It usually takes 60 to 90 days (approximately 2 to 3 months) to receive the final decision. Once approved, the funds for all missing months that you are supposed to be qualified for will be issued soon. By the way, the request should be made within 30 days after being informed of the rejection.

How to Check Status of SASSA Appeal

Submitting an appeal is just the first step. Waiting aimlessly for the result might be nervous, so SASSA status check for appeal is necessary. Here are some online and offline methods to check appeal status for R350.

Check Online

It is the most straightforward way as the appeal is also made online. All you need is to visit the SASSA Appeal Status Check portal and enter the required information, including South African ID number and the registered phone number. Click on the “Submit” button and you will see the progress of your application.

Call the Helpline

SASSA opened a toll-free telephone hotline for appeal of SASSA status check. Applicants can call 0800601011 on weekdays. You will be asked to provide ID number, reference number, date of application, or other necessary details. The staff will tell you the result after checking your identity.

Visit In Person

It is designed for those who favor face-to-face talk or who live near an SASSA office. Just search for a nearby branch on Google Maps and visit there with a valid identity document as well as a receipt of appeal submission.

Email An Inquiry

Applicants can send a concise inquiry to by email and the authority will reply within 24 hours. The email must include a full name, ID number, date of application, reference number, and phone number. Make sure all the information is exact and authentic.

Why My Appeal is Pending or Declined

SASSA reviews every application carefully. Only those that are completely qualified will be approved as they want to make sure the SRD grants are distributed to persons really in need. Appeals might also be held or rejected due to the following reasons.

  • Too Many Applications

Sometimes SASSA might face a backlog due to staff shortages or too many applications. It will lead to longer processing time, so the case status will always display as “Pending”.

  • Incomplete or False Information

Lack of proof of your eligibility, incorrect statement, or unmatched identity details with the Home Affairs records will lead to denial. Additionally, failing to respond in time to the official request for extra proof will hold your appeal in suspense.

  • Records of Deceased Applicants

The beneficiary must be the applicant himself. Individuals who have passed away cannot receive the grants, neither can family members or relatives of a deceased person. When SASSA detects that the applicant has been listed as “Deceased” in the database of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), the SASSA application or appeal will not be approved.

  • Alternative SASSA Grant

Individuals are allowed to receive only one type of government grant. Your application will be declined even after appealing provided that you are already receiving any SASSA grant, such as social relief of distress (SRD) grant, disability allowance, pensioners grant, child support grant, care dependency grant, foster child grant, war veteran’s grant, or grant-in-aid.

  • Existing Registration Government Payroll

As the grant is issued to those without other income source, the authority will turn down your appeal when you are found to have a job from a government department.

  • Existing Registration with other Financial Aids

Those who have been registered in other South Africa financial aid programs will not receive SASSA SRD grants, such as National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for tuition, Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) for unemployment, and so forth.

  • Beyond Age Limit

Applicants under 18 or above 60 years old will not be issued the SASSA grant, so your appeal will also be denied even if you satisfy other criteria.

How to Prevent My SASSA from Declined

Although filing a SASSA appeal is allowed, it takes quite a long time to wait for the result of the appeal. It is suggested to make full preparation from the very beginning, so it is necessary to learn about how to avoid SASSA denial at first-time application

  • Carefully review the requirements and prepare all required information as well as documents in advance.
  • Double-check all the information before submitting and ensure its authenticity, accuracy, and consistency with the supporting documents.
  • Include all necessary proof, including identity documents, proof of residence, proof of income, and other documents according to the type of grant you are applying for. Make sure the copies are clear and complete if they are required.
  • Respond to any update or request from SASSA in time after applying. Do not forget to inform the authorities whenever there is any change to your personal details or situations.
  • Do not submit the same application more than once while waiting for the decision on the previous application. It is recommended to re-apply or apply for another type of grant after you are rejected.


How do I reapply my R350 after being declined?

You can visit the official SASSA website and reapply for it, but you are still advised to appeal for the rejection at least once.

Why is my SRD appeal approved but no payment?

When the status is marked as “Approved” and there is no payment date, it means the payment process is yet to be finalized, which might result from technical errors or wrong/invalid banking information, so please check your payment methods and wait patiently until the specific date of payment appears.

Can I check my status without appeal reference number?

Yes. The reference number is not mandatory, but it helps the staff to find your case more quickly among the mountainous applications. If you lose it, you can have an SASSA status check for R350 appeal online with only your ID number.

Do I need to make an appointment at SASSA office about my appeal?

No. Just walk into the office with supporting documents during office hours and tell the receptionist that you are visiting for SRD SASSA status check appeal.


It takes a few months to process an SASSA appeal. During this process, you can check appeal status online, by phone, in person, or by email. The SASSA appeal status check helps you not only learn about whether your application is approved but also respond promptly to any further request from the authority. You have to be patient and try to avoid any mistake that might lead to delay or rejection.

By Dolores Xiao

I am a content creator and marketer with over 5 years of professional writing experience. I hold a bachelor's degree in communications and have a natural curiosity about technology, as evidenced by my technology blog. As an avid traveler, I draw upon adventures in over 10 countries to inject unique cultural perspectives into my articles and social media campaigns. I thrive on developing engaging content that informs and inspires audiences.