After Brexit in 2021, British citizens can no longer live and work freely within European Union (EU) countries, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. The change brings much inconvenience to British citizens’ lives. Obtaining EU citizenship will be a good solution to regain the rights. This passage will introduce the easiest way for a Brit to become EU citizen.

Easiest Way for a Brit to Become EU Citizen

British citizens can get EU citizenship through family ties, birthright, or naturalisation. Which one is easier depends on your identity status, length of residency, etc.

EU Citizenship by Descent

It is also known as citizenship by ancestry, meaning that a country grants citizenship to children of its national even if they are born abroad. It is available in most EU countries and some extend the eligibility to grandchildren and great-grandchildren under specific conditions. Here is the list of countries that allow citizenship by descent.

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EU Citizenship by Birth

Children born in a country might automatically become its citizens despite their parents’ citizenship, which is known as citizenship by birth. For example, if you are born in Germany in or after 2000 and your parent(s) has stayed in the country for at least 3 years on permanent residency, you might become a German citizen.

EU Citizenship by Naturalisation

All EU countries allow foreigners to gain citizenship by naturalisation. Applicants should have been living in the country for certain years and be able to integrate into the local community. Applicants usually have to have an interview, take a citizenship test, and take the oath. The specific requirements vary from country to country. Gere are the general ones.

  • Continuous period of residence: ranges from 3-10 years depending on your residence permit or visa.
  • Age: usually be at least 18 years old.
  • Clean criminal record.
  • Proficiency in national language.
  • Financial capability.

EU Citizenship by Residency, Investment & Work

It is one type of citizenship by naturalisation. Foreign residents can apply for citizenship based on employment or investment after a few months or years. In this case, investors do not need to live continuously in the country. This pathway is known as EU citizenship by investment. The “Golden visa” scheme or similar, available in Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, and Italy, makes the country the easiest country to get EU citizenship The investment options and requirements differ from state to state. We will introduce more details in the next section.

eu citizenship by investment

EU Citizenship by Adoption

A child who is legally adopted becomes a member of the family. Minors who are adopted legally by an EU national can usually gain citizenship. Each country has its own rules on granting citizenship by adoption. For example, legal adoption must be established based on the Hague Adoption Convention or related bilateral agreements. For example, Irish couples can adopt a child from the United Kingdom. The child will become an Irish citizen after the adoption is registered.

EU Citizenship by Sephardic Jews

Several EU countries have launched new laws to restore citizenship for descendants of Jews whose citizenship was stripped due to race, politics, or religion. Portugal and Spain started to invite Sephardic Jews in 2015, but the action has already elapsed in Spain while it remains active forever in Portugal. Former Austrian citizens who are descendants of victims of the Nazi’s persecution can now regain citizenship by declaration as of September 2020.

How to get EU Citizenship Through Investment

Some EU countries are seeking to boost domestic economic development, so they try to attract non-EU investors to immigrate to their nation through specially designed investment schemes. The Golden Visa program makes it the easiest EU country to get citizenship. Here are some popular examples.

Portuguese Golden Visa

The easiest European passport to get is known to be Portugal based on the program. Investors can get residency in 2 months and then get Portuguese citizenship after 5 years. It provides multiple investment options, which are listed below. Please note that purchasing in purchasing real estate or investing in property-related funds will not lead to citizenship any more as of 2024.

  • Fund Subscription

Investors can invest in CMVM-managed Portuguese investment funds that are worth at least €500,000. Either private equity funds or venture capital funds are acceptable.

  • Company Investment

Foreign entrepreneurs and investors can establish a new company or invest in an existing Portuguese entity. The investment amount should be at least €500,000. The new company should generate at least 8-10 new full-time job positions while the old one provides at least 5 vacancies for at least 3 years.

  • Donation

Portugal accepts donations to approved projects in art, science, and technology. The amounts of donations to Arts, National Heritage, or Culture should exceed €250,000 while those to research and development activities should exceed €500,000.

Spain Golden Visa

Spanish golden visa leads to Spanish citizenship after 10 years and applicants should reside in Spain for at least 6 months in a 10-year period. Individuals who make one of the following investments will be eligible for the visa.

  • Purchase at least one property and they are worth at least €500,000 in total.
  • Purchase Spanish public debt worth at least €2,000,000.
  • Purchase at least €1,000,000 of shares of a Spanish company.
  • Contribute at least €2,000,000 in government bonds.
  • Establish a new company in Spain and provide new job opportunities.
  • Deposit at least €1,000,000 in a Spanish bank.
  • Invest in scientific and/or technological innovation projects that have a positive impact on local social and economic development.

Greek Golden Visa

Greece grants citizenship to non-EU nationals who make great contributions to the Greek economy. Foreigners are qualified for Greek citizenship after living in Greece on a golden visa for 7 years and satisfying requirements for taxation, language proficiency, etc. A Greek golden visa is issued in the following cases.

  • Purchase a property that is worth at least €500,000.
  • Sign a 10-year (or longer) rental contract with a hotel or tourist establishment.
  • Purchase at least €400,000 of bonds or shares of a Greek company.
  • Contribute at least €400,000 in Greek government bonds.
  • Deposit at least €400,000 deposit in a Greek bank.

EU Citizenship by Investment in Malta

Malta launched a new Malta Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment program (CES), also called the Maltese Exceptional lnvestor Naturalization (MEIN) or Investor Visa. Foreigners can apply for Malta citizenship within 12-36 months from the date of issuing a residence card and satisfy one of the following requirements.

  • Purchase a property for residence worth at least €700,000 and hold it for no less than 5 years.
  • Donate €10,000 to a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) in the field of philanthropy, cultural sport, science, or animal welfare or Community Malta Agency (CMA) approved organization.

EU Citizenship from Italy

Italy golden visa holders can get Italian citizenship after residing in the country for 10 years. This visa is available to foreigners who choose any of the investment options below.

  • Purchase government bonds worth €2,000,000.
  • Invest at least €500,000 in an existing Italy company or €250,000 in an Italy startup.
  • Make a philanthropic donation of at least €1,000,000 to support cultural activities, education, immigration management, and scientific research.

How Much Does it Cost to Get EU Citizenship

The cost of getting EU citizenship depends on the way you apply and the country you are immigrating to. The processing fee ranges from hundreds to thousands of euros. If you apply by investment, the investment threshold should also be considered, which costs millions of euros.

Benefits of EU citizenship after Brexit

Obtaining citizenship in an EU country facilitates work and life after Brexit. Brits can enjoy a series of benefits in Europe, such as:

  • Live, work, and study in the 27 EU countries, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway without extra permits.
  • Get an EU passport and enjoy visa-free access to multiple countries and territories around the world.
  • Have the right to vote in elections and contribute to the development of the country.
  • Be protected by European laws and seek consular protection when traveling abroad.
  • Enjoy advantages for business and finance within the EU, such as quick registration of a company, creating bank accounts, applying for loans, or relieving burdens on taxation.
  • Participate in educational and healthcare security systems.


Can you live in the EU with a British passport?

Yes, but you can only stay for up to 90 days without a visa.

🔎Read Also: UK Passport Visa Free Countries 2024

What is the hardest citizenship to get in Europe?

Vatican City, San Marino, Liechtenstein, and Andorra are top-ranking countries with the hardest paths to citizenship due to few options or extra-long residency requirements.

Where can I live permanently with a British passport?

The Common travel area, the Isles, Gibraltar, Paraguay, and Belize, but you might need to undergo a specific immigration process according to your destination.

Can you hold dual citizenship between the UK and an EU country?

A: It depends on your second citizenship in EU. Dual citizenship is allowed in the UK and most EU countries, excluding Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.


Getting EU citizenship will bring many benefits to Brits after Brexit. Applying by descent/birth is the easiest way for a Brit to become an EU citizen if you have close family ties to an EU national. Portugal is the easiest country to gain citizenship in Europe when applying through investment. It is suggested that you choose the most suitable pathway as all applications are non-refundable. If you are not sure about your eligibility, you can turn to a professional agent or immigration lawyer.

By Dolores Xiao

I am a content creator and marketer with over 5 years of professional writing experience. I hold a bachelor's degree in communications and have a natural curiosity about technology, as evidenced by my technology blog. As an avid traveler, I draw upon adventures in over 10 countries to inject unique cultural perspectives into my articles and social media campaigns. I thrive on developing engaging content that informs and inspires audiences.