Anyone who wants to buy or acquire a firearm or shotgun in the UK requires a shotgun or firearms certificate issued by the police. However, it seems not easy to access this certificate in the UK. The detailed process of applying for or renewing a certificate requires us to take it seriously, and it is crucial to get it right the first time since there is often a long time to wait for approval once submitted. In this article, we have provided a short guide on how to apply for and receive the successful grant of your shotgun or firearms license.
Who Can Apply for UK Shotgun or Firearm Licence?
Permission to possess, purchase, or acquirea firearm will only be granted to an individual who is assessed by thelicensing authority, the police, as not posing a threat to public safety andhaving good reason to own the firearm. Organizations such as target shootingclubs, museums, and firearms dealers must also apply for licences if they wishto possess or use firearms. Shotgun certificates are valid for five years.
What You Need before Firearms Licence Application?
Read the guidance notes and download the doctor’s letter and medical information proforma (PDF) to pass to your doctor for completion.
How to Apply for a UK Shotgun or Firearms Licence?
Reading the whole steps and procedures of applying for a UK Shotgun or Firearm Licence may be a troublesome and complicated matter for you, and many people may wonder what qualifications and materials are required to apply for this licence. Here we provide you with a simple guide so that you can easily complete the process.

What You Need to Include with Your Application?
1. Complete Application Form- Get a firearm or shotgun certificate application form from the firearms licensing unit of your local police force. You can search for your local firearms department on Google and then apply online download an application form 201-2021 or call your local firearms licensing department. Before you complete the form and send it to the firearms officer, make sure you have read it carefully and understand it correctly. And bear in mind that does not lie or hide anything in this form.
2. Provide 1 Passport Photograph- The application must include a photograph that shows your current true likeness and signed in ink by yourself. The photo size should be a British passport size 35mm x 45mm. Additionally, you should face forward and look straight at the camera, do not have anything covering your face.
3. Have 2 Referees for a Firearm Certificate and 1 Referee for a Shotgun Certificate- The Police officers will also ask for details of referees. The referees must: 1) be resident in Great Britain;
2) have known you for at least two years; 3) be of good character; 4)not be a family relation; 5) not be a partner or partner’s family member; 6) Photographic evidence.
4. Cost- A Shotgun Grant currently costs £79.50. And a Firearm Grant costs £88.00. Unless you are making an online payment, all of the fees should be made payable to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Avon and Somerset Constabulary.
5. GP Letter- You’ll need to also download Dotor’s letter and medical information proforma. And give your doctor to fill in the relevant areas and sign.
6. Good reason– A good reason must be provided for possessing Section 1 firearms. For example, if you are used for target shooting, you will need to provide details of the club to which you are a member. A shotgun certificate will not be given and passed if the chief officer of police has a reason that you should not be allowed to own a shotgun under the Firearms Act. Or if they think you do not have a good reason to own, buy, or acquire a shotgun.
Interview and Final Checks
The police force will visit your home before a license is issued. If your application is complete and meets the requirements, payment will be processed immediately.Additionally, your referees may also be contacted.However, please note that all incomplete applications will be returned.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How long does it take for a shotgun certificate to be granted or renewed?
A1: The time it takes for police forces to issue shotgun certificates will vary, with some forces being able to issue them within a few weeks, while others may take months. To consider these delays, you may apply in advance according to your actual needs.
Q2: How often do I need to renew my shotgun certificate?
A2: Since shotgun certificates are valid for five years, you will need to apply for a renewal of your certificate after that.
Q3: What’s the difference between a gun license and a permit?
A3: Licenses or permits to purchase are used to restrict those who can legally buy specific categories of shotguns and firearms. Licenses have varying terms and generally do not limit the number of weapons a person can buy. However, in some states, you might be required to get a permit to purchase a certain kind of gun, like a handgun, or do specific things with one, like concealed carry.
Q4: Can foreigners own a gun in the UK?
A4: Firearms are seriously regulated in the UK, which means those who want to own guns must obtain a license from the police. To possess any kind of firearm in the UK, any person, including foreign nationals resident within the UK, must normally hold either a Shotgun Certificate (SGC) or a Firearm Certificate (FAC).
Q5: Do I need a letter from my GP to get a shotgun certificate?
A5: Different police forces will have different requirements. For example, some police forces only require individual statements and accept this. However, when submitting an application, about half of people will be required to submit a medical form filled in by a GP, which will ask all these questions. A full list of those police forces that require this can be found on
Q6: How old do you have to be to get a gun license in the UK?
A6: You must be at least 14 years old to obtain a firearm certificate, in addition to that, you need to have a legitimate reason to prove to the police that you need to obtain one.
Q7: What photo size do you need for a firearms license?
A7: The photo should be a British passport size 35mm x 45mm, here, we recommend using professional passport photo editor AiPassortPhotos. There are a lot of detailed requirements and instructions for passport photos on AiPassportPhotos, follow the steps, it will ensure photo compliance and save you from the stress of a rejected passport photo!
After reading this article, you may know how to apply for a shotgun or firearms license in the UK. With the help of the simple guide described above, it makes it easier to handle the process. Only need to fill out accurate forms and follow the steps mentioned in the article, and the license will come to you. Finally, hope you find this article helpful.