South Africa holds a high demand for security guards, which also opens a door for those who hunt for a job. A security guard is someone who protects goods from being stolen or robbed, prevents people from going into places without permission, or transports substantial amounts of money. To be a security guard in SA, you will need to get a security guard license as proof of your eligibility and professional quality. Keep reading and you will find information that supports you to be a qualified security guard in South Africa.
Eligibility for security guard license
Not everyone can be granted with security guard license. Just like many other occupation certificates, it will take you some time and effort to obtain one after related training. However, it is worth giving it a try because after all, it will pave the way for your career development and bring income to life.
When it comes to eligibility for this license, first of all, you should be at least 18 years old and holding SA permanent residency. You should not be a part of any intelligence force, official military, or security police in South Africa or elsewhere. What is more, you should have a clean record of any of the scheduled offenses listed in the Private Security Regulation Act.
Related training taken from an accredited training center is also a must for application. Your education level should be at least twelve grades with the ability to speak and write in English fluently. Of course, you should also be physically fit enough to patrol areas, stand for a long time, and spot potential risks around. With the above requirements met, your eligibility will be checked and determined by the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) of SA.

Security certificate grades
Anyone who applies for a security guard license is subjected to security certificate grading regulations. Levels of A-E are set in line with duties and level of responsibility from advanced to basic, which also require different training and qualities.
- Grade A: It is the highest one used for Security Management, involving managing security work, assessing risks, solving urgent problems and preparing for emergencies.
- Grade B: It is agreed to a security supervisor.
- Grade C: It is designed for those who require delegation.
- Grade D & Grade E: They are entry-level grades with an emphasis on security patrolling. In particular, a Grade D security guard works and has access control with Grade D while Grade E with his same level co-workers.
Security guard license requirements
To secure a security guard license, you will need to proof your eligibility as mentioned above. Therefore, you need to prepare those listed below to prove your age, education background and professional level as a security guard:
- an identity card
- a grade twelve certificate or equivalent qualification, preferably in security management
- a driver’s license is preferred
- your PSIRA training certificate to show that you have already completed security courses and passed exams from a security guard training provider
- registration card issued by PSIRA
How to get a security guard license in South Africa
If you qualify for a security guard license, there are several steps to take in the way to be a licensed security guard in South Africa.
1. Satisfy eligibility requirements to be a security guard as mentioned above
2. Complete necessary security training provided by an accredited center
3. Pass exams and get your training certificate
4. Register with PSIRA with your ID and training certificate and get your registration card
5. Present your CV, a training certificate, education certificate, PSIRA registration card, and other capability proves to a registered security company to get employed
6. Undertake a background check
7. Pay for the application fee at last after your background is verified
8. Renew your security guard license every two years to keep it valid
How much is a security license in South Africa?
The cost of a security license depends on what grade of license that you are going to apply for. That is because you will undertake different training courses for different grades of license. As you can see from the chart below, most trainings vary between R 500 and R 2,000. You can get to know and purchase security courses here.
Course | Duration | Price |
GRADE A | 5 Days | R 1,350.00 |
GRADE B | 5 Days | R 1,200.00 |
GRADE C | 5 Days | R 800.00 |
GRADE D | 5 Days | R 750.00 |
GRADE E | 5 Days | R 700.00 (excluding PSIRA R 270 registration fee) |
GRADE E+D+C | 15 Days | R 1,900.00 (excluding PSIRA R 270 registration fee) |
How long does it take to get a security certificate in South Africa??
In terms of time that it takes to get a security certificate in SA, it highly depends on the duration of security courses that you choose to attend. Based on course durations of different grades listed in the last section, estimatedly it will take you around two weeks to get your security qualities licensed. However, the time can be flexible for follow-up concerns from the authority. For example, if you are asked to provide further documents as a proof of your professional level, it will protract the process.
1. Q: Which security grade is the best in South Africa?
A: When it comes to professional level, grade A represents the most advanced training that an accredited center could provide. Despite of this, there is no such thing as “the best” grade for security in South Africa, because there is no ending of increasing security expertise. You are supposed to secure the one that is tailored to your comprehensive quality and try to level up.
2. Q: Can a foreigner get a PSIRA certificate in South Africa?
A: With permanent residency in South Africa, a foreigner has an equal right to apply for a PSIRA certificate as the local do.
3. Q: How much does it cost to register a security company in South Africa?
A: To start a security service company in South Africa, you should register with PSIRA first and pay R 2,280.00 for a registration fee. Apart from that, you should also hold enough capital to run your business.
Starting you career as a security guard in South Africa can be tricky due to the facts that SA security industry is high-demanding. However, the process to secure a security license as a career paver is pretty clear and rewarding as discussed above. If you make up your mind to be part of the security group in South Africa, start your training as early as you can and try your best to build a trustworthy background. In the end, you will harvest from what you sow.