Ontario government pays for various health services through Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), covering visits to a family doctor, a clinic, an emergency room, access to medical tests or surgeries, and other healthcare providers. Legal residents in Ontario, Canada registered for the (OHIP are issued a health card. The card has been upgraded for the past few decades, and there are multiple versions in circulation. There are a series of number combinations on the card which is known as health number and health card version code. What is it used for? How to get or check it? In this passage, we are going to find out the answers.
What Is Health Card Version Code
The health card version code in Ontario consists of 2 letters, serving as a unique identifier of the status and version of the card. Any changes to the holder’s personal information can be tracked through this code, such as name, address, date of birth, etc. It helps the ministry verify its validity and learn the most updated information about an Ontario resident, thus providing appropriate healthcare services accurately and promptly. As a unique identification code, it varies from card to card. Whenever a replacement card is issued, a new code will be assigned, which helps to prevent fraud and identity theft. Anyone who is not authorized as a health card holder is not allowed to use it.

Versions of Health Card
To obtain insured health services in Ontario, a health card is needed, and here are the acceptable card types.
Photo Health Card
It is a plastic health card featuring the cardholder’s photograph and signature unless they are exempted from being displayed or unless the owner is under 16 years old. Besides, it also displays other essential information including name, health number, version code, date of birth, date of issuance and expiry on the front. There is a magnetic stripe, stock control number, and 2-D barcode at the back.
Being first introduced in 1995, the photo health card aims to strengthen the security of the card by preventing residents from sharing the same card or using another person’s card to gain healthcare services by cheating. It has gone through a few updates, such as:
- Standard Photo Health Card
It first appeared in 1995 as a replacement for the red-and-white health card. Trusted registration and renewal are also introduced along with the issuance of this version which requires Ontario residents to renew in person to prove their eligibility to continue holding the card. The initial standard photo health card featured the car owner’s address on the back. The health number and version code are next to the photograph, like “1234•567•890•AB”.
- Colour Enhanced Photo Health Card
It was introduced in 2007, featuring upgraded security features, such as security background on the front and the back, secondary photograph and signature, holographic overlay, and microprinting. Compared with the standard photo health card, it removed the address from the back of the card. The “gender” mark was also deleted on new versions after June 2016. The health number and version code appear next to the photo in tactile printing, like “1234 – 567 – 890 – AB”.
- Black and White Photo Health Card
Cards issued between 2012/1/8 and 2016/6/13 are accepted as proof of OHIP coverage. This version changed the colored photograph of the cardholder to a black-and-white one. The holographic images were removed and optical variable ink was added to the trillium image at the top right corner. When tilting the card, the trillium will shift from magenta to gold. The health number and version code appear in the same place as the previous versions.
- Black and White Photo Health Card (No Sex Designation)
It is the only version that is being manufactured. The “Sex” information is no longer visible on the card, though it remains a required field while applying for it. There are no other major changes compared with the older version, including the position of the health number and version code.
Original Red and White Health Card
It is a non-photo health card that only carries basic information, such as name and a 10-digit health number. Currently, there are 4 types available. Please note that not every type has a version code on it. Individuals aged 65 or above have a “65” Indicator on their card signifying eligibility for Ontario drug benefit.
What Is Health Card Version Code Used for?
This exclusive code plays an important role in improving healthcare services and securing information. It can be used in the following situations.
- Track and Verify Health Card
As a unique identifier, the service code helps to check the cardholder’s information and the validity of the card, so you can get proper healthcare services.
- Facilitating Billing Processes
When accessing the health service within the OHIP coverage, the employee will ask for your health card version code and health number to bill the Ontario Ministry of Health.
- Update Personal Health Information
Anyone who wants to renew an expired health card or change personal information must provide the version code so as to prevent unauthorized persons from falsifying or tracking your privacy.
- Accessing Online Health Services
There are various health services on the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care portal, such as looking for a doctor or nurse practitioner, available health care options, Ontario health insurance, Ontario waiting time for an emergency room/surgery/diagnosis/home care, prescription drug benefits, or senior care service. While accessing these services, a health card version code is required.
How to Get Health Card Version Code?
To obtain a valid version code in Ontario, you should apply for a health card or renew an expired card in person at a Service Ontario centre or online. The following documents are required.
- A completed form for Registration for Ontario Health Insurance Coverage. Either English or French version is available.

- Original copy of proof of Canadian citizenship (i.e. Canadian passport, birth certificate, certificate of Canadian citizenship, certificate of naturalization, certificate of Indian status, certified registered Indian record, or temporary confirmation of registration document) or certified immigration status (i.e. permanent resident card, confirmation of permanent residence, Canadian immigration identification card, record of landing, temporary resident permit, work permit, etc.).
- Proof of residency in Ontario (original, printed, or digital version), such as a valid Ontario driver’s licence, valid Ontario Photo Card, utility bill, monthly bank account statements, employer record, school/college/university report card or transcript, most recent income tax notice of assessment, policy of insurance, mortgage agreement, rental agreement, property tax bill, credit card statement, bank statement, etc.
- Proof of identity with name and signature, such as credit card, Ontario driver’s licence, employee ID card, old age security card, student ID card, union card, or documents same as proof of Canadian citizenship.
After OHIP approves your application, they will send your health card by post. The latest versions always have the version code on the front, a combination of two letters next to the 10-digit health number.
As the code carries your personal information, it is suggested to update it with Service Ontario and get a new card with a new version code whenever you change your name, address, or other related information. Please secure your code and don’t expose it to non-certified people in case of identity theft and unauthorized access to healthcare services.
How to Check Validity of Ontario Health Card
The Health Card Validation (HCV) service allows healthcare service providers to determine the status of a patient’s health number and version code. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the validity of health cards regularly and keep updated about Ontario’s Ministry of Health policy. It can be checked online or by phone.
Check Ontario Health Card Online
- Go to Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (gov.on.ca).
- Visit the “Ontario Health Insurance” section.
- Access the online customer service.
- Provide personal information as required, such as name, date of birth, and health card number.
- The staff will send you confirmation stating the current status of the health card in question.
Check Ontario Health Card by Phone
If you have difficulty accessing online services, calling 811 and talking to a registered nurse will be a favorable alternative. However, the helpline might be busy, so please be patient and try again. Similarly, the nurse will also ask for your personal details to verify your identity and deal with card-related issues.
Tips to Secure and Update Health Card Version Code
In this section, we will offer some suggestions on using and securing your health card version code in Ontario.
- Put Away the Card
The version code is quite a simple combination, so you can memorize it instead of checking it constantly on the card because losing the card will expose the code. You can also note it down on your phone and secure it with passwords.
- Keep it Confidential
As a unique identification code, you should protect it by securing other private details such as Social Insurance Number (SIN), passwords, banking account information, and so on. Phishers favor gathering them for criminal purposes.
- Renew the Card in Time
Whenever there is any change in your name, address, or other personal information that you have provided at the time of application, remember to update it with the authority, otherwise, the current card might be invalidated and prevent you from accessing healthcare services.
- Verify Validity Regularly
Checking the card regularly is the most straightforward way to verify authenticity and validity, which can be done on the official website of Service Ontario or by phone.
Now you must have found the answer to the question “What is health card version code?” It is usually a letter combination following the 10-digit health number, which can be found on all photo health cards and most red-and-white cards. As a unique identifier indicating the identity of the cardholder, status and version of the card, the code is widely in online or offline healthcare services. It is necessary to learn about how to get a version code and how to check it. After obtaining the code, please read our tips carefully to keep it secure and updated.
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