If you are looking for work in Australia, you need to know about the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme to find job opportunities. If you haven’t heard of this, in this article we will show you a complete guide to what the PALM Scheme is in Australia and how to get it.

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Program
PALM is Australia’s temporary migration program designed to address local labour shortages in rural and regional areas. This means Australian businesses can hire workers from nine Pacific islands and East Timor for short-term jobs of nine months or long-term jobs of four years when there are not enough local workers available in unskilled, low-skilled and semi-skilled jobs in Australia, such as agriculture and food manufacturing. The PALM scheme can not only build strong partnerships between Australia, Timor-Leste and Pacific island nations but also help Pacific and Timor-Leste communities and countries benefit greatly from Australia’s skills and experience.
Participating Countries in the PALM Scheme
Not every country in the world is eligible for the PALM scheme. According to government rules, workers from the following countries can apply for the PALM scheme and work in Australia on a seasonal or long-term basis. Here you can check the list below:
- Fiji
- Kiribati
- Nauru
- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Timor-Leste
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Vanuatu

How to Apply for the PALM Scheme?
Regardless of whether you want to join the PALM scheme as an employer or employee, you must know the basic eligibility, requirements and process to apply.
Join the PALM scheme as an employer
When Australian businesses need additional workers through the PALM scheme, they can apply to become an approved employer or hire workers through the Australian Government Employment Service.
Eligibility to become an approved PALM employer
To join PALM, you must ensure that you meet the following requirements:
- You are based in a rural and regional area with a postcode that is eligible under the PALM scheme.
- You are an eligible business registered and operating in Australia and have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and/or an Australian Company Number (ACN).
- You are not an individual, sole trader or unincorporated company.
- You are an ‘organisation’ for the purposes of the Migration Regulations 1994.
- You have good immigration practices and a history of compliance with immigration legislation.
- You are in compliance with Australian workplace relations, workplace health and safety legislation, and other relevant laws.
- You can demonstrate that its directors or trustees have a history of compliance with the above laws.
- You are in a sound financial position, such as at least 3 years of financial solvency for a direct employer or 5 years of continuous operation – for a labour hire/contractor employer.
How to apply to become an approved employer
After you have checked your eligibility, you can become an approved PALM employer by:
- Fill out an online application form and click “submit”.
- Once the application is successfully accepted, apply to become a temporary activities sponsor (TAS) through the Department of Home Affairs. If you don’t, you can’t sponsor workers to come to Australia.
- Enter a Deed of Agreement/s.
- Employ workers as required under the SWP or PLS.

Other Australian Government employment services
Of course, there is no one way to meet the needs of the workforce. Some employers and potential hosts can hire workers through the Local Jobs Program and Workforce Australia, delivered by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. In particular, they are outside the currently eligible PALM scheme postcodes. For example, if an employer operates in the horticultural industry in a PALM postcode that is also identified as a Harvest Area, Harvest Trail services may be used.
Join the PALM scheme as a worker
When citizens of one of the participating countries wish to join the PALM scheme, they must also check their eligibility to become qualified workers.
Eligibility to become a worker in the PALM scheme
- You must hold a valid passport for the duration of the contract.
- You must be over 21 years old.
- You must be physically fit and healthy for the specific job.
- You don’t have a criminal record.
- You should be nice and friendly.
- You should have the work qualifications and experience required by employers.
- You should treat work actively and positively.
- You want to go back to your own country in the end.
- If you are a long-term worker, you should have a reasonable standard of English.
How do I apply for the PAML scheme as a worker?
If citizens of participating countries wish to participate in the PALM scheme, they can contact the appropriate LSU government in their country. For example, citizens in Fiji can register their interest at their local National Employment Centre or by email (fores@govnet.gov.fj). Or you can call them (+679 3303 500), (+679 9906 421) or (+679 892 5087) to find a suitable position.
Benefits for Australia and Other Participating Countries
Of course, the PALM Scheme can create a positive and strong link between Australia and other participating countries.
For Australia:
- It can provide a reliable and dedicated workforce.
- It can provide employees with specific skills.
Other participating countries:
- It increases economic development in other countries.
- It allows workers to master more innovative ways and make more money.
What if I Am Not Eligible for the PALM Program?
If foreigners from other countries want to work in Australia, they cannot join the PALM scheme. They must obtain the right work visa, such as a skilled worker visa and a work holiday visa, to obtain work permits in Australia. If they don’t apply for a working visa at first, they are not allowed to work in Australia.
All in all, the PALM scheme is a win-win plan among the participating countries, bringing them wealth and knowledge. Regardless of whether you are applying as an employer or employee, make sure that all the application information is honest and correct. Otherwise, it could be rejected by the Australian government.