Width: 1.25 in
Height: 1.5 in
Is it suitable for online submission?
600 dpi
Is it printable?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 70%
Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 8%
Background Color

Fetch a perfect and compliance-assured FOID Card Photo within 3 seconds
AiPassportPhotos can generate your digital biometric photos online in seconds, allowing you to get them printed at stores that provide photo services at a more favorable price.
The inception and application of AI technology is our trump card, which examines your passport photos online intelligently. Let modern technology escort your passport photos!
Rejection is depressing, but you will never experience discouragement anymore with the fully-featured photo tool, for AiPassportPhotos will ensure 100% acceptance of your photos.
Gone are days when you have to spend hours lining up for taking photos at a photo studio. With the help of AiPassportPhotos, you can get your online passport photos at home in seconds.
Width: 1.25 in
Height: 1.5 in
Is it suitable for online submission?
600 dpi
Is it printable?
Image definition parameters
Head height: 70%
Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 8%
Background Color
A proper photo is one of the requisites for the application for an official document. Therefore, when you apply for a FOID card, one of the requirements is that you have to procure one FOID photo. You can go to a professional photo studio and have a photo taken. It can be a piece of cake with the help of AiPassportPhotos.
Although the FOID card photo requirements you can see online are informative, that is not all the information you need to know to take an adequate picture. After all, we are not talking about taking a selfie here. There are rules in place you have to follow, and we put them all together below. Please read them carefully before proceeding to take your photo.
You need to get the reqor uirements before you apply for a FOID card, otherwise, you might get rejected. Here we will list some general criteria for you:
Here are some of the basic requirements. We will expose more details for you in the next part.
The background color of your FOID card photo must be white. A photo with any other colors, patterns or blemishes might lead to rejection. If you choose to take a wide shot at home, you should choose to take your picture in front of a white wall. You can use a white sheet if you do not have white walls in your house. Just make sure there are no creases on the sheet. To sum up, the desired background of your photos should not have patterns, or even shadows.
If the lighting is not proper, you will end up with shadows on your face. Therefore, it is important for you to choose the right place for photo taking. Just opt for a frontal source of illumination. You must also ensure that the light is adequate and even on your face.
When you take your FOID card photo, make sure that you keep your head straight and your face forward. Both sides of your face must be visible. Therefore, portrait-style photos are not at all adequate.
You might show your kindness with a warm smile in your FPID photo. However, you should bear in mind that you shouldn't smile in your FOID card photo. Nor can you make any other facial expressions other than neutral.
There have been increasing cases of shortsightedness due to the wide application of digital devices. Therefore, people in mounting numbers are wearing glasses. Generally speaking, you are allowed to wear glasses if they won’t cause any glare. Nevertheless, we highly recommend that you should remove your glasses in case of any unexpected cases. Needless to say, you can’t appear covered in your FOID card photo wearing sunglasses or eyeglasses that are equipped with tinted lenses.
According to the general rules, you aren’t allowed to get your head covered in your FOID card photo. You can’t wear a hat or something of that sort. However, an exception is made for you if you need to wear a hijab for religious beliefs. If you do, just make sure the hijab won’t cover any part of your face, and the whole of your face can be visible from top to bottom.
It depends on your daily appearance. It means that if your everyday appearance includes a beard, then you can keep your beard when you are taking a photo. Otherwise, you should shave it off.
It is common that all of us want to show the best version in our photo. Therefore, you are allowed to have modest make-up, which can make you look better in the photo. However, you should avoid having heavy make-up, which might get your facial expression covered. Therefore, you should bear this rule in your mind.
Using the service rendered by AiPassportPhotos is not complicated at all.
AiPassportPhotos will do the rest job for you including photo resizing, background removing and changing as well as compliance testing. The entire processing procedure will be implemented online, and it will last for less than 3 seconds! You can get access to your FOID card photo at your cozy home! After the photo has been processed perfectly, you can get your photos via email, then you can get the digital and printout versions. If you meet any kinds of problems, just don’t hesitate to contact our customer support service online.
You should avoid some mistakes when you are taking photos at home, such as:
Please avoid the above mistakes that are easily made in the photo.
AiPassportPhotos is your definitive assistant for Advanced Parole. As a powerful online passport photo generator, you can get perfect digital photos through this tool.
For your convenience, we also offer printing and mailing services. With our printout service, you can get your printed pictures directly shipped to your home, saving you time and effort. Come and grab your photos with AiPassportPhotos!
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